Carousel with Coverflow Effect

Enhance your website's look with a carousel featuring a coverflow effect. Learn how to implement a dynamic carousel that provides an immersive browsing experience with coverflow transitions.

Enhance your website with a beautiful Carousel with Coverflow Effect using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This tutorial will walk you through the process of copying the code snippet, linking the necessary CSS, and customizing the carousel to fit your unique style.

Step 1: Copy the Code Snippet

  • Begin by copying the provided HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code snippet for the Carousel with Coverflow Effect. Highlight the code, click the copy button, and paste it into your project files.

Step 2: Link CSS

  • Make sure to link the Swiper CSS file in your HTML document. Add the following <link> tag in the <head> section to include the Swiper styles:
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"> <!-- Your custom CSS file -->

Step 3: Add JavaScript

  • Include the Swiper JavaScript file at the end of your HTML document, before the closing </body> tag:
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="script.js"></script> <!-- Your custom JavaScript file -->

Step 4: Customize and Make it Yours

  • Personalize the Carousel with Coverflow Effect to match your website's design. Modify the CSS styles and JavaScript settings to adjust the appearance, animations, and behaviors of the carousel. Experiment with different coverflow configurations, slide effects, and transition durations to create a unique and engaging user experience.

By following these steps, you can easily integrate and customize a Carousel with Coverflow Effect on your website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Tailor the carousel to fit your brand's style and create a visually stunning and interactive user experience.

Code Explanation


Outer Container: <div class="swiper">
  • This div serves as the main container for the swiper component.
  • The class swiper indicates that this element will be styled and managed by Swiper.js.
Swiper Wrapper: <div class="swiper-wrapper">
  • The swiper-wrapper div is the container for all the slides within the swiper.
  • It acts as a flex container that arranges the slides horizontally or vertically based on the swiper configuration.
Slides: <div class="swiper-slide">
  • Each div with the class swiper-slide represents a single slide in the swiper.
  • The style attribute sets the background image for each slide using the background-image CSS property.
  • The URLs provided in the background-image attribute point to the images to be displayed in each slide.

CSS Code

CSS for body
body {
  background: #b7a89f;
  margin: 0;
  height: 100vh;
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  • background: #b7a89f; Sets the background color of the entire webpage to a shade of grayish brown (#b7a89f).
  • margin: 0; Removes any default margin from the body element to ensure the content occupies the full width and height of the viewport without any unintended spacing.
  • height: 100vh; Sets the height of the body to 100% of the viewport height (100vh), ensuring it spans the full height of the browser window.
  • display: flex; Uses Flexbox for layout. This makes it easier to center and align elements within the body.
  • justify-content: center; Centers the flex items horizontally within the body.
  • align-items: center; Centers the flex items vertically within the body.
CSS for Swiper Slides
.swiper .swiper-slide {
  background-position: center;
  background-size: cover;
  width: 350px;
  height: 350px;
  • .swiper .swiper-slide: Targets the .swiper-slide elements within the .swiper container. This is used to style individual slides within the Swiper carousel.
  • background-position: center; Centers the background image within each slide, ensuring the focal point of the image is in the middle of the slide.
  • background-size: cover; Scales the background image to cover the entire slide area. This ensures that the image completely fills the slide, maintaining its aspect ratio, and cropping any overflow.
  • width: 350px; Sets the width of each slide to 350 pixels.
  • height: 350px; Sets the height of each slide to 350 pixels.

JavaScript Code

Initialization of Swiper
var swiper = new Swiper(".swiper", {
  effect: "coverflow",
  grabCursor: true,
  centeredSlides: true,
  slidesPerView: 3,
  speed: 600,
  coverflowEffect: {
    rotate: 50,
    stretch: 0,
    depth: 100,
    modifier: 1,
    slideShadows: true,
  loop: true,

var swiper = new Swiper(".swiper", {...});

  • Initializes a new Swiper instance and assigns it to the variable swiper.
  • The argument ".swiper" is a CSS selector that targets the Swiper container in the HTML.
Swiper Configuration Options
  • effect: "coverflow" - Sets the visual effect of the Swiper to "coverflow". This effect makes the slides look like they are stacked in 3D space and move in a coverflow style.
  • grabCursor: true - Changes the cursor to a hand icon when hovering over the Swiper, indicating that the user can grab and drag to navigate through the slides.
  • centeredSlides: true - Centers the active slide in the middle of the Swiper container rather than starting from the left side.
  • slidesPerView: 3 - Sets the number of slides visible at the same time to 3.
  • speed: 600 - Sets the transition speed between slides to 600 milliseconds (0.6 seconds).
  • coverflowEffect: {...} - Contains specific settings for the "coverflow" effect:
    • rotate: 50: The rotation angle of the slides in the coverflow effect. Each slide is rotated by 50 degrees.
    • stretch: 0: The stretch value, which adjusts the spacing between slides. A value of 0 means no extra spacing.
    • depth: 100: The depth of the slides in 3D space. A higher value means the slides will appear further apart in depth.
    • modifier: 1: A multiplier for the effect values. A value of 1 means no additional modification.
    • slideShadows: true: Enables shadows on the slides, adding to the 3D effect.
  • loop: true - Enables continuous looping of slides. When the user reaches the last slide, the carousel seamlessly starts over from the first slide.