Advanced WYSIWYG Editor

Enhance your text input experience with a WYSIWYG editor component styled with Tailwind CSS. This editor provides various formatting options and integrates seamlessly into your web applications.


Elevate the functionality of your website with a sophisticated WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor styled using Tailwind CSS. Our guide walks you through creating a dynamic and user-friendly editor that integrates seamlessly into your projects, providing a polished and responsive interface for text input and formatting.

Key Features

  • Tailwind CSS Integration: Utilize Tailwind's utility-first approach for rapid styling and customization.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure your editor performs well across various devices and screen sizes.
  • Customizable Components: Adjust colors, sizes, and functionality with ease to match your project’s needs.
  • Enhanced Usability: Improve user interaction with features like file attachments, location setting, and image uploads.

Implementation Steps

  1. Copy the Code Snippet: Copy the HTML code provided above. This snippet includes the basic structure and styling for your WYSIWYG editor.
  2. Link Tailwind CSS: Ensure that Tailwind CSS is properly linked in your HTML file. You can either use the CDN as shown in the <script> tag or install Tailwind via npm and import it into your project.
  3. <script src=""></script>
  4. Customize Your Editor: Use Tailwind’s utility classes to adjust the editor’s appearance. Modify colors, spacing, and other styling properties to fit your website’s design. The editor is fully customizable to match your branding and functionality requirements.
  5. Test Responsiveness: Check the editor on various screen sizes to ensure it performs well across different devices. Tailwind’s responsive utilities make it easy to achieve a consistent look and feel.
  6. Enhance Features: Add more functionalities like image uploads, file attachments, and location settings by utilizing Tailwind’s classes and integrating additional JavaScript if needed.

Code Explanation

Here's a breakdown of the key parts:

<body class="p-5 antialiased">

  • p-5: Adds padding around the entire body content.
  • antialiased: Smoothens the font edges for better readability.

<div class="w-full mb-4 border border-gray-200 rounded-lg bg-gray-50 dark:bg-gray-700 dark:border-gray-600">

  • w-full: The container takes the full width of the parent element.
  • mb-4: Adds margin below the container.
  • border border-gray-200: Adds a border with a light gray color.
  • rounded-lg: Rounds the corners of the container.
  • bg-gray-50: Sets the background to a light gray color.
  • dark:bg-gray-700 dark:border-gray-600: Applies a darker background and border color when in dark mode.

<div class="flex items-center justify-between px-3 py-2 border-b dark:border-gray-600">

  • flex: Uses Flexbox layout.
  • items-center: Centers items vertically.
  • justify-between: Distributes space between items, placing them at the ends.
  • px-3 py-2: Adds horizontal and vertical padding.
  • border-b: Adds a bottom border.
  • dark:border-gray-600: Changes the border color to a darker shade in dark mode.

<div class="flex flex-wrap items-center divide-gray-200 sm:divide-x sm:rtl:divide-x-reverse dark:divide-gray-600">

  • flex flex-wrap: Ensures items wrap to the next line if they overflow.
  • items-center: Centers items vertically.
  • divide-gray-200: Adds a divider between items with a light gray color.
  • sm:divide-x sm:rtl:divide-x-reverse: Adds vertical dividers in larger screen sizes.
  • dark:divide-gray-600: Changes divider color in dark mode.

Button Elements (<button> Tags)

Each button contains:

  • type="button": Specifies that the button is not a submit button.
  • class="p-2 text-gray-500 rounded cursor-pointer hover:text-gray-900 hover:bg-gray-100 dark:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-white dark:hover:bg-gray-600":
    • p-2: Adds padding inside the button.
    • text-gray-500: Colors the text in medium gray.
    • rounded: Rounds the button corners.
    • cursor-pointer: Changes the cursor to a pointer on hover.
    • hover:text-gray-900 hover:bg-gray-100: Changes text and background color on hover.
    • dark:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-white dark:hover:bg-gray-600: Adjusts text and background colors for dark mode.

SVG Icons

Each button includes an SVG icon for visual representation. The icons are styled with:

  • class="w-4 h-4": Sets the width and height to 16px.
  • aria-hidden="true": Hides the icon from screen readers.

<span class="sr-only">

  • This span is used for screen readers, providing accessible text that is not visible on the screen.


By following this guide, you can integrate a feature-rich WYSIWYG editor into your project using Tailwind CSS. The combination of Tailwind’s powerful utility classes and the customizable editor design ensures that you have a versatile and responsive component ready to enhance your website user experience.

Thanks for reading! Check out my other Tailwind CSS resources here.