Radio Button List

Learn how to create a Responsive Navigation with Radio Button List using Tailwind CSS


In modern web design, providing users with a clean and functional navigation system is crucial. This tutorial will guide you through creating a responsive navigation component using Tailwind CSS, featuring a radio button list that allows users to select options like React.js, Vue.js, or Svelte.js. With this approach, you can easily customize the look and feel of your navigation, ensuring it aligns with your website's overall design.

Key Features

  • Responsive Design: The component adjusts seamlessly to different screen sizes, providing a consistent experience across devices.
  • Custom Radio Buttons: Tailwind CSS is used to style the radio buttons with hover and focus effects, enhancing user interaction.
  • Simple Integration: Easily integrate this component into any project with minimal setup and customization.
  • Clean and Modern UI: The design is clean, modern, and fits well with various web themes.

Steps to Copy the Code

  1. Include Tailwind CSS: Add the Tailwind CSS CDN to your HTML file in the <head> section.
<script src=""></script>
  1. Copy the HTML Structure: Use the provided HTML structure for the navigation component.
  2. Customize the Styling: Modify the Tailwind CSS classes to match your project's design requirements.
  3. Add the JavaScript: If needed, include any additional JavaScript to enhance the functionality.

Code Explanation

  • HTML Structure: The navigation component is wrapped in a <nav> tag, containing multiple <div> elements that serve as radio button options. Each radio button is associated with a label representing different frameworks like React.js, Vue.js, and Svelte.js.
  • Tailwind CSS Classes: Classes like flex, items-center, rounded-full, and hover:bg-blue-gray-50 are used to ensure the component is responsive, well-aligned, and interactive. The peer class is crucial for linking the radio button input with its associated visual elements, such as the SVG checkmark.
  • Custom Radio Buttons: The radio buttons are styled to be circular with an inner checkmark that appears when selected. The peer-checked class allows the SVG to be displayed only when the corresponding radio button is checked.


This guide demonstrates how to create a responsive and visually appealing navigation component using Tailwind CSS. The radio button list offers a unique and interactive way for users to navigate between options, enhancing the overall user experience. With simple customization, this component can be adapted to fit any web project, making it a versatile addition to your design toolkit.