Bootstrap 4 Simple Star Rating

Enhance user feedback on your website with a straightforward star rating system using Bootstrap 4. Learn how to effortlessly integrate a user-friendly rating interface to gather valuable insights.

Introducing our Bootstrap 4 Simple Star Rating component, designed to facilitate user feedback and engagement on your website. This versatile UI element allows users to rate content, products, or services using a familiar and intuitive star-based system, providing valuable insights and enhancing user interaction.

Built on Bootstrap's reliable framework, our Simple Star Rating component offers a sleek and minimalist design that seamlessly integrates with any website layout. Whether you're building a review system, rating products, or collecting feedback, our component ensures a responsive and user-friendly rating experience.

Key Features:

  • Intuitive Rating System: Simplify user interaction with a star-based rating system that allows users to easily click and select their rating.
  • Customizable Styles: Customize the appearance of the star rating using Bootstrap's utility classes, including star colors, sizes, spacing, and hover effects, to match your website's design aesthetic.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure consistent functionality across desktops, tablets, and mobile devices with a star rating component that adapts fluidly to different screen sizes.
  • Easy Integration: Integrate the Bootstrap 4 Simple Star Rating component effortlessly into your website's HTML and CSS, leveraging Bootstrap's components for quick deployment and customization.

Enhance user engagement and gather valuable feedback with our Bootstrap 4 Simple Star Rating component. Whether you're enhancing product reviews, collecting user feedback, or improving content evaluation, this star rating system provides an effective way to enrich user interaction and improve overall user experience on your website.

Steps to Copy the Code

Step 1: Copy the Code Snippet

  • Begin by copying the HTML and CSS code snippet provided above. This snippet includes the necessary structure and styles to create a simple star rating using Bootstrap 4. Select the code, click the copy button, and paste it into your HTML file where you want the star rating to appear.

Step 2: Link Bootstrap CSS

  • Ensure that Bootstrap's CSS is correctly linked in your HTML document. Include the following <link> tag in the <head> section to import Bootstrap's stylesheet:
  • <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  • This link fetches Bootstrap's CSS file from the official Bootstrap CDN, ensuring your star rating inherits Bootstrap's styling.

Step 3: Customize and Make it Yours

  • Personalize the star rating to align with your website's design and rating system requirements. Modify the appearance of the star rating, such as star colors, sizes, and hover effects, by adjusting Bootstrap's CSS classes or adding custom CSS. Customize the functionality of the star rating, such as integrating with backend scripts to store ratings or adding interactive features like animation on hover, to enhance user experience.

By following these steps, you can easily integrate and customize a Bootstrap 4 simple star rating system, improving user engagement and providing valuable feedback mechanisms on your website. Make the star rating component your own by tailoring it to fit seamlessly with your website's layout and design preferences.

Code Explanation


Container (<div class="container">):
  • <div> is a generic container element used to group content together.
  • class="container" applies Bootstrap's container class, which provides a responsive fixed-width container with padding on the sides. This helps to center and constrain the content within a specified width.
Rating (<div class="rating">):
  • <div class="rating"> creates a <div> element with the class rating.
  • This class is typically used as a custom class for styling purposes, not provided directly by Bootstrap but often used in UI designs.
Rating Stars (<span class="h1"></span>):
  • <span> creates an inline element.
  • class="h1" applies the Bootstrap h1 class, which sets the font size to be very large.
  • ☆ is an HTML entity for a star symbol (☆) represented as an outline.
  • Each <span> represents a star in the rating system, and all stars have the same outline appearance (☆).

CSS Code

.rating CSS Class:
  • .rating targets an element with the class rating.
  • unicode-bidi: bidi-override;: This CSS property specifies the inline directionality of text and overrides the default bidirectional algorithm.
  • direction: rtl;: Sets the direction of text and other elements to right-to-left. This is often used for languages that are written from right to left, like Arabic or Hebrew.
:hover Pseudo-class and ::before Pseudo-element:
  • .rating > span:hover:before: Targets the ::before pseudo-element of a <span> that is a child of an element with the class rating when it is hovered over.
  • .rating > span:hover ~ span:before: Targets the ::before pseudo-element of any <span> siblings that come after the hovered <span> within an element with the class rating.
  • content: "\2605";: Sets the content of the ::before pseudo-element to the Unicode character \2605, which represents a filled star (★).
  • position: absolute;: Positions the ::before pseudo-element absolutely relative to its nearest positioned ancestor.
  • color: gold;: Sets the color of the star to gold, giving it a visual indication of being selected or highlighted.